Map of the Kiel River Walk District

Krwd street map 2024 with logo 01

Sharing a vision for business

Successful business districts don’t just happen.  They need to be planned and nurtured.  The prosperity requires interest and action from many stakeholders (you) who share a vision for the Kiel Business Community.

The purpose of the Kiel River Walk District / organization is to bring the business district together to join forces to complete the process to become one of Wisconsin’s Connect Communities and capitalize on the programs and resources available to revitalize the downtown business district.

This is not an impossible task but will require stakeholder unity.

The Kiel River Walk District has been defined as follows:
Fremont Street - 12th Street East to Hwy 67 & 32 Hwy 67 & 32 South to Water Street Water Street East to 1st Street 1st Street North to Fremont 7th Street North of Fremont to St. Paul Street 5th Street North of Fremont 3rd Street South of Fremont – includes Indian Hill
Membership is open to any business, with an annual membership fee of $25; however, businesses located outside of the defined Kiel River Walk District would be considered associate members.  Associate meaning, they would not have any voting power.

Wisconsin EDC Connect Communities Info:
  • Applicants for Connect Communities program may be any organization or governmental entities interested in pursuing revitalization activities at the local level – THIS IS US – The Kiel River Walk District.
  • Up to 20 communities are selected to participate in the Connect Communities program each year, with a renewal contract every year.
  • Resources and services available to the Kiel River Walk District, if accepted into the program:
    • Regional workshops on pertinent topics
    • Annual conference programing
    • Regular Webinars
    • Case studies and best practices
    • Manager / board orientation / training
    • Toolkits on relevant topics such as market analysis, volunteer management, event production, design guidelines, marketing, etc.
  • Participants commonly report increased storefront occupancy, improved environment and aesthetics, increased property values and an expanded customer base, among other outcomes.
  • Annual membership fee of $200 (this will be covered by the $25 membership dues)

Kiel River Walk Board of Directors

The 2024 Kiel River Walk District Board:
PRESIDENT:   Jamie Dahmer, Brand & Design
VICE PRESIDENT:  Mike Wendling, Mike's Kiel Lounge
SECRETARY:  Ashley Herr, Salon H
TREASURER:  Betty Mayer
PAST PRESIDENT:  Mary Christel, Christel's Pet Supplies and More
and Kristi Schmidt, Bob Schoenborn's Jewelry